We've published for like 250 pcs of our 1st Ep's. Some of em were given away for promo purposes and the rest is consider our sales. Due to our experience, there are places that hv made us shocked. By assuming that we aren't able to sell our Ep's for more than 10pcs, only 40 copies we brought to the show. Later, not even before the show starts, Bintang Batu Ep's have been sold out!! What really attracts us is not just the sold out cd's, its actually the spirits and interest that the crowds there have shown us! We are so honoured to have performed there. We heart all u guys out there if u were reading this writings.
After each gigs, the figures in our MySpace have increased abruptnessly. We would like to take advantage here to thanks those who had send thier request, sending us mails and droppin thier comments even for just saying Hi!. For us, this growth is all because of you guys out there, the crowd who choose to stayed, listened and watched our shows.. those who have approach and handshakes with us,.those who had wrote and spread about us to public or friend..those who have the guts and efforts to bought products from an indiependent artist like us,.. and not to b forgotten, to those who had helped us a lot which is our buddies. Since dari proses rakaman lagi, dan sehinggalah ke hari ini dan tidak putus menyokong. U guys know who u are. N so does our new mates yang baru mula menyokong. May we continue this rope of ours.
As what we can see, there's a lot of band out of there is trying to survived in our beloved country, Malaysia. Lots of genre, lots of styles, plenty of attitude, numberless of band webpage, colourfull clothing labels, many new multi-talented organiser, new rising venues and many2 positive point of view can be seen. We are so proud that nowadays, people are more open to accepts all this new changes and enhancement. Well, there are some negative or some might says,' Inside a bucket full of apple, there's always a bad rotten one'. But yet we still thanks those so called bad apple, for making us alerts and to have improved ourselves from time to time. Imagine if there's no negative things happened in our lines of life... what are we about to change in ourselves? coz we seems to have expected all good things rather than the bad one. So, accept the indie bands as the way they are. And we support all of them either clothing label or bands. Tak kisah la baru ke lama ke.. 'Unite' is such a big words to used maybe, so let us called it a rope which made us attached to each other. Mudah2han tak mudah terputus.
Sorry for any uneasy feelings towards this long writing or towards us.. for us, we have deleted all the hatred, envy, jealousy or what ever viruses coz sape pon kami setakat hari ini,, it's all because of kamu dan kamu semua. Last but not least, soon kami akan release out 1st Tee's lagipon dah ramai antara kalian yang bertanya. perhaps kalau tak ada aral,d Showcase Bintang Batu at Lepaq cafe this coming 23rd August, we will launch our 1st tees...hopefully sempat siap. Kalau tak perhaps lepas dari tarikh tu la. So ok guys, thanks for reading.
Till Then, Peace~!